Go Baguio! Your Complete Guide to Baguio City, Philippines

Baguio Insider Syndicated

Interesting, detailed and comprehensive information on visiting, living and doing business in Baguiio City, including commentaries on current issues by both the Go Baguio! webmaster and local residents.

Frequently updated with insider tips such as new attractions, access routes and detours, exciting events, eats & drinks and just about anything that is related to the Summer Capital of the Philippines and nearby areas.

Get all your questions about Baguio City answered! Your comments are most welcome at the blog.

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Update 10/5/12: Go Baguio! now has it's own blog. I will be transferring old posts at Baguio Inisder (www.i-baguio.com -- now offline) to this domain and publishing new articles soon. In the meantime, please know that there are more than 100 articles in this web site that should be help anyone navigate to, fro and within Baguio City, Philippines.
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